Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
The Hour Is Late: The Thunderbolts from Heaven Will Fall, the Earth Will Be Scorched with Fire
Message from Jesus the Good Shepherd to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of October 1, 2023

To those who have inadvertently ingested genetically modified foods, I say, wash yourselves in My Precious Blood.
Wash yourselves in My Precious Blood, My children: I am the One who purifies everything:
pray the chaplet of My Precious Blood*, supplicate My Mercy. My Chalice is poured out. The time has come for the transfiguration of My Elect; the wicked shall perish while My Children shall be raised to Me, and "new" shall be all things.
Seek Me in your heart:
‣ love Me, adore Me, speak to Me,
‣ confess to Me,
‣ prostrate yourselves at the feet of My Crucifix,
‣ and live holy.
My Charity has been great for you:
I have given Myself for your salvation, but this Sacrifice of Mine has been snubbed by many! Here I am again to you, O men, I come to give you life again: if you will agree to return to Me, I your Creator God will save you. I thirst for you My children, I long for you, you are My Creatures!
Beloved Ones,
you had Paradise to live ... but you rejected it! You fell into the enemy's trap, you were dazzled by his false lights: he bought your hearts with lies, you fell into his traps. He has made you deaf to My call of love, blind to the Things of Heaven, he has maneuvered you like puppets in his hands, he continues to delude you, and you believe in him and no longer in Me. The hour is late: the thunderbolts from Heaven will fall, the Earth will be scorched with fire, all that is impure will fall, never again will it rise!
Take heed, O men,
My Word is One and ... "One" ... will remain forever! Repent at My call for salvation, do not be foolish: My wrath will be terrible on traitors! Listen to My prophets: through them I send you My Word! My Blessed Mother manifests herself to the world that you may be saved!
Now the silence of Heaven will fall on Earth and the darkness will be devastating. Pay attention to these words of Mine because they are words of truth.
Chaplet of the Precious Blood of Jesus*